OzOzOz PassPort 2.0

OzOzOz PassPort

  • Price: FREEMINT

  • Only @OzOz - OG can mint

  • Usecase: Passport 2.0 = Whitelist on our Launchpad 2.0

OzOzOz PassPort 2.0 is a use case NFT that is exclusive to the OG of OzOzOz. Anyone who has this OzOzOz PassPort 2.0 NFT will have permission to have a whitelist in every other project that launches on the OzOzOz launchpad.

Every OG in our Discord only can mint OzOzOZ PassPort 2.0 NFT once. New OG in OzOzOz can mint their OzOzOz PassPort 2.0 NFT when we open the PassPort mint openings in that month (There will be 2 mint openings in a month).

The Passport 2.0 NFT is a privilege of @OzOz - OG; we do not encourage you to buy or sell the Passport 2.0 in any way. Therefore, all OzOzOz Passport 2.0 NFTs cannot be listed, bought, or sold on the OzOzOz marketplace. Although they cannot be purchased, sold, or listed on the NFT marketplace, they can still be transferred between wallets to keep decentralization for these NFT Passports 2.0.

Last updated