OzOzOz NFT Coollectionz

OzOzOz Coollectionz

OzOzOz Coollectionz is the Native Collections of OzOzOz Marketplace. Minterz and Buyers of our OzOzOz NFT Coollectionz will be a part of us. We don't want to lose you, so we will set the royalties of our OzOzOZ NFT Coollectionz at 30%. If you are committed to being one of us and Freeze your OzOzOz NFT, you will get rich. Because all Royalties received from Sellerz will be distributed to our Freezers.

  • Mint price: FREE

  • Total supply: 3333 NFTs

OzOzOz NFT Coollectionz will be charged a 0% Market Fee because we are friendlyz. But we don't want to lose you so we took 30% Royalty if you sell it. So DON'T SELL your OzOzOz NFT at ANY COST

Launchpad: Our Launchpad 2.0 is only exclusive for our CLOZE FRIEND. Our close friend must have the same habit as OzOzOz NFT Coollectionz to be Launched on our Launchpad. Our Habits are:

  • Took the Market Fee: 0,5% -> This will be the platform's revenue.

  • Royalties: Depend on our Cloze Friends

  • Oz Fee: Estimated 0% - 5% (depends on every collection) --> Distributed to all OzOzOz Coollectionz Freezers

  • Oz Friend Fee: Optional (minimum 5%) -> Go to Oz Friend Freezers

=> All these Fees only take place if someone sells the NFT of our Close Friend Coollectionz

Listing: other projects can list on our marketplaces and become our Friends under one and only conditions:

  • Market Fee: 2% -> Distributed to all OzOzOz Coollectionz Freezers

=> This Fee only takes place if someone sells the NFT of our Friend Coollectionz

Last updated